The Folk Dance Federation of California is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Board meetings are held 4-5 times a year including a General Membership Meeting.
The minutes of these Board meetings and annual General Meeting are available for viewing. These are PDF documents. In many cases, the minutes DO NOT include any referenced attachments, although they do in some cases. If you would like to see a specific attachment, please email the web manager and request a copy be sent to you.
Minutes prior to 2008 were hardcopy only and were scanned and added as they were located. Many thanks to Past-President Craig Blackstone and Past-President Bill Lidicker for providing hard copies of early minutes. If anyone is cleaning out a closet or basement or attic and comes across additional copies of minutes, please contact the web manager.
Minutes of meetings held in 1991-1993 are not available at this time. A donation was made to the Archives Committee that included copies of the minutes of Federation meetings held 1967-1970. These minutes provide a rare look at the history of folk dance in Northern California.