Let’s Dance! Magazine

Federation members receive 10 issues of Let’s Dance! magazine each year for news, features, and dance descriptions.

Let’s Dance! magazine has been published by the Folk Dance Federation of California since 1944. While it is currently edited by Loui Tucker, there have been almost two dozen editors in the 70+ years it has been published. A list of past editors is here.

View Past Issues in Let’s Dance! Archives...

In the early years it appeared 12 times a year. In 1958 the editor reduced it to 10 times a year. For a brief time in 1981-1982 there were only 8 issues per year. The magazine has changed a lot over the years — content, format, paper stock, from black-and-white to color — but it has survived. For example, there was once a great deal of interest in folk dance costumes and recipes for international food. Those interests have faded, so articles in Let’s Dance! on those subjects are rare.

We welcome folk dance-related articles, photographs and letters to the editor. Please contact the editor, Loui Tucker. The deadline for submission is the first day of the month prior to the date of publication (for example, January 1 for the February issue).

Please send advertising submissions to the editor, Loui Tucker

Note: All ads are in COLOR. Mail payment for advertising to:

Loui Tucker, Editor
153 Race Street
San Jose, CA 95126

Or pay online below

Let's Dance! Monthly Advertising Rates and Online Payment (Paypal)
1/2 page full page
Member clubs
All others

Let’s Dance! Advertising Quote and Payment Forms

If you would like to contact the Let’s Dance! editor for a quote on a series of monthly magazine ads please use the contact form below.

You will receive an e-mail ad quote from the Let’s Dance! editor within a day or two. Please use the Paypal payment form below and reference an invoice number if you were given one to pay for advertising.

Online Advertising Quote Payment Form