
Special Features

Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes of past board meetings are available here

Past Presidents

Folk Dance Federation North only. Names in bold are still living as of June 2023.
1942-43Henry “Buzz” Glass
1943-44Ed Kremers
1944-45Clarice Wills
1945-46Lucille Czarnowski
1946-48Walter Grothe
1948-49Larry Getchell
1949-50Danny McDonald
1950-51George Murton
1951-52Bill Bastner
1952-54Leonard Murphy
1954-55Bill Sorenson
1955-56Bev Wilder
1956-57Frank Kane
1957-58Dan Spier
1958-59John Mooney
1959-60Millie von Konsky
1960-61Lawrence Jerue
1961-62Robert Chevalier
1962-64Carolyn Riedeman
1964-66Ned Gault
1966-67Eldon Kane
1967-68Bill D’Alvy
1968-69Bruce Mitchell
1969-70Ernest Drescher
1970-72Elmer Riba
1972-74Dolly Barnes
1974-76Ernest Drescher
1976-78Raymond Olson
1978-80Bruce Wyckoff
1980-82Frank Bacher
1982-84Burt Scholin
1984-86Oscar Faoro
1986-87Florence Haas
1987-88Burt Scholin
1988-89Leona Faoro
1990-92Lupe Barton
1992-94Frances Ajoian
1994-95Dolly Barnes
1995-97Carlos Ruling
1997-99Barbara Bruxvoort
1999-2001Craig Blackstone
2001-03Greg Mitchell
2003-05Laila Messer
2005-07Vick Vickland
2007-09Bill Lidicker
2009-11Loui Tucker
2011-13Lucy Chang
2013-15Memo Keswick
2015-17Kevin Greek
2017-2020Joe Croco
2020-2022Marian Snyder
2022-2024Ulrike Narins

Let's Dance! Magazine Editors

Let's Dance! magazine has been published by the Folk Dance Federation of California since 1944. The current editor (as of 1/1/2017) is Loui Tucker, but there have been almost two dozen editors in the 70+ years it has been published. Below is a list of the editors and when they served.
1944Bret van Kriedt
1945Buzz Glass
1947-48Millie Von Konsky
1948-49Wayne Wills
1950Robert Lamont
1951-52Lawton Harris
1953-54Robert Chevalier
1955-56Charles Alexander
1957-58Jane Molinari
1959-72Vi Dexheimer (13 years)
1973-74Leslie Pryne
1975Vi Dexheimer (3 months as interim editor)
1975-77Linda Horn
1978-87June Horn (9 years)
1987Audrey LaPell
1988-92Jeanne Bertolina
1992-98Genevieve Pereria (6 years)
1998-99Barbara Bruxvoort
2000-03Nadine Mitchell
2004-16Gary Anderson (13 years)