Dance Leaders

During the many decades that Let’s Dance! magazine has been published, articles have appeared about folk dance leaders and teachers. Some were obituaries written after the leader died, some were written while they were still alive. Some were in the form of interviews, while others were biographical in nature.

These articles appeared under various headings: “People Worth Knowing”, “An Interview with….”, “Folk Dancers Lost and Found”, “People To Be Proud of”, “Teacher of the Month,” and “Folk Dancers We Should Remember.”

Below are links to many of these articles that have been scanned from back issues of Let’s Dance! in the Federation Archives. The date in parentheses is the year of publication. As you may judge by the publication date, the articles are largely historical than for current dance instructors and leaders in this area.

Dick Oakes also has compiled a comprehensive list of Master Folk Dance Teacher Biographies.

Adkins, Hill and Lucille (1960)
Anderson, Gary (2017)
Anderson, Wilma Graesch (1959)
Aloise, Jean and Joe (1959)
Atanasovski, Pece (1973)
Bachar, Shlomo (interview-1973)
Bacher, Frank and Elsa (2001)
Bacher, Elsa (2010)
Bannerman, Glenn (interview-1974)
Barnet, Liesl (1961)
Beliajus, Vyts (Part One-1963)
Beliajus, Vyts (Part Two-1963)
Bloland, Sunni (2008)
Blumberg, Charles (1963)
Bowley, Bob (1968)
Boxell, Dennis (1963)
Boxell, Dennis (obituary 2010)
Boyce, Dave (1998)
Bozigian, Tom (1971)
Bozigian, Tom (interview 1974)
Bronson, Marge (1964)
Buhler, Mildred (1994)
Burke, Bobby and Susie (obituary 2023)
Burnham, Don (obituary 2023)
Cavagnaro, James and Gwenyth (1958)
Chang, Lucy (obituary 2020)
Chang, Song (obituary 1974)
Chciuk, Krystyna Maria (obituary 2023)
Chevalier, Kathleen “Kay” (obituary 2004)
Chevalier, Robert (1995)
Coburn, Millie (1962)
Crank, Jim and Alice (1958)
Crum, Dick (interview-1974)
Cuddeback, Caryl (obituary 1964)
Cuthbert, Edith (1968)
Czarnowski, Lucile (1960)
Czarnowski, Lucile (1968)
Czompo, Andor (interview-1973)
D’Alvy, Ann and Bill (1969)
David, Mihai (interview-1973)
Davis, Floyd (2007)
Davis, Floyd (obituary 2016)
Daw, Dorothy (obituary 2004)
Debus, Louis and Bemi (1970)
De Paoli, James (1963)
Di Ciccos, Jules and Florence (1967)
Doakes, Jane and Joe (1960)
Drescher, Ernest (1990)
Drury, Nelda (2018)
Drury, Nelda (obituary 2019)
Drescher, Ernest (obituary 2004)
Dunin, Elsie (1961)
Eng, Lillian (obituary 2022)
Farkas, David (obituary 2019)
Filcich, John (“Kolo John”) (1957)
Fiuren, Sally and Lester (1959)
Gajiki, Bora (obituary 2008)
Gardi, Albert (1969)
Gault, Ned and Marian (2000)
Gault, Marian (2020)
Glass, Frances (obituary 2008)
Ginsberg, Michael (2018)
Glass, Henry “Buzz” (1961)
Glass, Henry “Buzz” (1997)
Glass, Henry “Buzz” (2007)
Graham, Omega (1961)
Green, Madelynne (obituary 1970)
Grothe, Walter (1960)
Grothe, Walter (1992)
Grothe, Walter (obituary 1996)
Harris, Lawton (1957)
Harris, Lawton (1998)
Hauserman, Jane (1968)
Hebert, Germaine (interview 1973)
Heenan, Denise (2019)
Helt, Jerry (interview-1973 – Part I)
Helt, Jerry (interview-1973 – Part II)
Hempel, Graham (interview-1973)
Herlow, Bill (1948)
Herman, Michael (obituary 1996)
Horn, Max (1998)
Horn, Max (2004)
Horn, Max (obituary 2011)
Isaacs, Stan (1992)
Jenkins, Cliff (obituary 2021)
Jerue, Catherine and Lawrence (1958)
Jones, Vera (1963)
Joukowsky, Anatol (Part 1-1961)
Joukowsky, Anatol (Part 2-1961)
Joukowsky, Anatol (obituary 1998)
Kane, Frank and Miriam (1959)
Kerr, Kathy (obituary 2022)
Kieslich, Lillian and George (1959)
Kirschner, Gary (1970)
Kolarovski, Atanas (1991)
Kolarovski, Atanas (obituary 2022)
Kolo Festival (1995)
Kremers, Ed (obituary 1998)
Leyton, Morley (1968)
Libaw, Millie (1963)
Libaw, Millie (1972)
Lidicker, Bill and Louise (2021)
Lidster, Miriam (1965)
Lidster, Miriam (1996)
Lindner, Pauliki (1969)
Linscott, Dean (obituary 2004)
Linscott, Mark and Wilma (1959)
Lisin, Al (obituary 2022)
Linscott, Nancy (obituary 2019)
Mandell, Joeseph (obituary 2021)
Maron, Phil (1968)
McKay, Jack (1968)
Messer, Sydney and Liala (2016)
Miller, Larry (obituary 2015)
Miller, Ralph and Elsa (1972)
Mitchell, Bruce (obituary 2021)
Mooney, John (1958)
Moreau, Yves (interview-1974)
Murton, George (1997)
Nicholes, Grace Perryman (1962)
Nicholes, Grace Perryman (obituary 2001)
O’Farrell, Una and Sean (1955)
Oser, Ruth and Jesse (1962)
Oxfords, Jim and Irene (2000)
Pavelkas, George and Philomena (1994)
Pavliger, Lanya (1967)
Pelton, Allen (1964)
Pereira, Genevieve (1998)
Pill, Albert (1961)
Pierce, Arden (obituary 2021)
Pierce, Hiram (obituary 2016)
Price, Lou (1960)
Riba, Mildred (obituary 2005)
Riba, Elmer (1998)
Riedeman, Caroline and Bill (1959)
Ruling, Carlos and Ruth (1958)
Ruling, Carlos (obituary 2010)
Ruling, Ruth (obituary 2007)
Ryan, Tony (1962)
Schaal, June (1960)
Schiwal, Dolly (1969) (aka Dolly Barnes)
Schram, Bernice and Bacher, Frank (1970)
Schweers, Bob and Carmen (1958)
Sheldon, Paul (2023)
Shelley, Herb and Jo (1960)
Shelley, Herb and Jo (1960)
Shinn, Robert (1963)
Skow, John (1958)
Slater, Dave and Frances (1969)
Smith, Irene Weed (1969)
Smith, Ace (obituary 1995)
Steuber, Wilda, Bob, Melinda and John (1960)
Stubblefield, Glenn (1959)
Sykes,Maude (1963)
Tabor, Art and Lois (1964)
Tamburini, Dorothy (1960)
Tamburini, Dorothy and George (1973)
Tamburini, Dorothy (obituary 1991)
Tarvin, Avis (1960)
Taylor, Bruce (interview-1974)
Taylor, Marianne (obituary 2008)
Thompson, Edith (1961)
Ullrich, Elizabeth (1961)
Ullrich, Elizabeth (1972)
Valentine, Stan (1958)
Vickland, Vick (obituary 2020)
Vinokur, Marcel (2009-Introduction)
Vinokur, Marcel (Part One-2009)
Vinokur, Marcel (Part Two-2009)
Vinokur, Marcel (Part Three-2010)
Vinokur, Marcel (obituary 2015)
Vinokur, Kathy (obituary 2016)
Von Konsky, Millie (1959)
Von Konsky, Verne (obituary 1984)
Walter, Mildred and Keamer (1969)
Ward, Reva and Glenn (1959)
Washburn, Geraldine (obituary 2018)
Whittier, Bee and Harold (1959)
Wilson, Marion (1960)
Wolterbeek, Al and Teddy (2018)
Wyckoff, Bruce (obituary 2020)
Young, David and Betty (1948)
Zander, Hans and Norma (1962)