Statewide 2023 Photo Gallery
Contributing photographers are Loui Tucker, Joe Croco, Sherry Cochran, Wen Chiang, and Diane Baker (select the “i” button in the album for caption and identification of each photo).
Statewide 2023

Statewide 2023 Syllabus
Additional festival offerings included a Saturday lunch and evening dinner, a commemorative T-shirt, afternoon tea party with tasty treats, and a sea shanty sing-along.
The festival had a nautical theme and decorations honoring the heritage of San Pedro as America’s Port®. Located on the southern tip of the Palos Verdes Peninsula, San Pedro is one of the most historic and picturesque regions in Los Angeles. San Pedro is known for a world class cruise center, a unique blend of small-town charm, superb cultural attractions and many historic landmarks.
Instructor Bios, Site Map, and Hotel Details
Academy of Serbian Folk Dance Performance, Saturday May 20
Statewide 2023 Syllabus

Statewide 2023 Schedule
Thank you!
Elyse Ellinger modified the watercolor by Don Krotee, used with permission, into graphic art for the Statewide 2023 featured image seen amid flyers, poster, and tee shirts. Elyse also provided a floral arrangement that featured shells for the hall.
Stefanie Holzman created colorful and functional name tags, and also served as the mail-in registrar, plus she produced informational signs.
Mindy Belli volunteered time for all the accounting. Additionally she made a special trip to Wigwam to add hooks to hang the Statewide welcome banner outside attracting guests, neighbors, and passersby. She also designed the cork boats that attendees could personalize into decorative art, assisted with set up, take down, decorating and much more.
Julith Neff organized on-site registration. As festival co-chair, she offered advice and suggestions to make the festival run smoothly. In honor for her service, Julith was presented with the Federation Honorary Service Award. Jill & Jay Michtom also were honored with the Service Award, but were absent attending a graduation elsewhere. Congratulations and thank you for their dedicated service!
Toti O’Brien created a flowing nautical map decoration plus posters that reflect San Pedro’s history as a port with immense fishing fleet and cannery. She made colorful fish for the walls, and together with Sue Nelson, Elyse Ellinger and Vimala Nowlis artfully hung nets, posters and fish. Toti also led the Sea Shanty Sing a long.
Kasia Lisowska created a map that incorporates all of the Federation Clubs. It was much admired and photographed.
Valerie Daley and the Ventura International Folk Dancers organized the afternoon tea party with tasty treats and relaxing dances.
John Lang secured chairs outside every day to provide additional seating.
Sandwiches for lunch were ordered from Busy Bee Market in San Pedro. Jan Rayman, Fall Camp organizer, served lunch. Maria’s catered the dinner. Delicious!
Colorful fish arrived with volunteers all over Southern California to decorate the halls. Many folks pitched in to set up tables and chairs for meals. Thanks to all! And thanks to those who made financial contributions to help pay the bills.
A dozen dancers from Northern California arrived to ensure the festival was a Statewide event!
Shecharchoret: Israeli couple dance
Joan Hantman taught Shecharchoret, an Israeli couple dance
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