Zek Zek Dadumle (Serbia/Macedonia/Rom)This entry was posted in Macedonia Roma Serbia on July 20, 2020 by folkdance Introduced by Steve Kotansky Cocek-style dance done throughout the Balkans Singer: Txvetelina Yaneva. Dance notes… Macedonia,Roma,Serbia 1,049 views You may also like Adje Jano (Serbia) 1,041 views Serbia Traditional Serbian dance from Kosovo “Come on Jana, let’s dance the kolo". ... Arnautsko Horo (Macedonia) 1,287 views Macedonia Macedonian Dance choreographed and taught by Yves Moreau. The music is ... Athela Mou (Greece, Roma) 787 views Greece,Roma Maurits van Geel choreographed the dance based on traditional steps for a ... Bavno Oro (Macedonia) 1,107 views Macedonia Beautiful three-part Macedonian dance. "Slow Dance" - originally taught by ... Belasicko (Macedonia) 658 views Macedonia Belasičko (BELL-ah-SEETCH-koh) is a line dance originating from the town of ... Bufcansko Oro (Macedonia) 1,478 views Macedonia Women's dance from the Macedonian village of Buf, region of Bitola 2/4 ... Camceto (Macedonia) 198 views Macedonia Čamčeto or Chamcheto (CHAHM-cheh-toh), meaning small boat, was described in ... Čapkan Dimčo (Macedonia) 186 views Macedonia Čapkan Dimčo. Originally taught by Atanas Kolarovski, Olga Sandolowich, or ... Cazino (Romania, Roma) 298 views Roma,Romania Rom dance from Muntenia, Romania presented by Sonia Dion & Cristian ... Cetvorka (Macedonia) 994 views Macedonia Četvorka (CHET-vohr-kah) means "In Fours." The dance was presented at the ... Chikulata Chikita (Greece, Roma) 814 views Greece,Roma Choreographed and arranged by Susan Kotansky Music by Giorgo Zanthiotis Cije E One Mome (Macedonia) 174 views Macedonia This is a wedding dance from the Kočani area of Macedonia. It is danced ... Cine Are Noroc Are (Romania, Roma) 137 views Roma,Romania Introduced by Maurits van Geel and also taught by Roberto Bagnol and Ira ... Dafino Vino (Macedonia) 474 views Macedonia This is the version taught in the US by Iliana Bozhanova. There are other ... Dana (Romania) 764 views Roma,Romania In the Romanian folk repertoire are found many modern dances with Eastern ... Davorike Dajke (Serbia) 560 views Serbia Davorike Dajke was presented by Miroslav Marcetio at Mainwoods Dance Camp ... Dedo Mili Dedo (Macedonia) 473 views Macedonia Dedo Mili Dedo (DEH-doh mee-lee DEH-doh) originated in Gradmanci in the ... Devetorka (Balkan) 1,422 views Bulgaria,Macedonia,Serbia Commonly danced throughout Macedonia, Serbia, and Bulgaria In 9/8 rhythm (QQQS) Do Tri Pâti (Bulgaria) 118 views Macedonia This dance is is from the village of Gradište in Pavlikenski district. ... Dončevo (Macedonia) 83 views Macedonia Originally arranged and taught by Atanas Kolarovski. Recently retaught by ... E Shukar Romnji (Roma, Hungary) 438 views Hungary,Roma E Shukar Romnji (A Beautiful Woman), a Roma (Gypsy) dance taught by Lee ... Ersko Kolo (Serbia) 188 views Serbia Ersko Kolo (AIR-skoh KOH-loh) was introduced at the University of the ... Fatiše Kolo (Serbia) 99 views Serbia Line dance from South Serbia originally presented by Dick Crum or Anatol ... Gocino Kolo (Serbia) 171 views Serbia GOCINO KOLO (GOHT-see-noh KOH-loh) is an arrangement of steps by Bora ... Godečki Čačak (Serbia/Bulgaria) 20 views Bulgaria,Serbia Godečki Čačak, a line dance from the Serbian-Bulgarian border area, was ... Gori More (Serbian American) 1,229 views Serbia,US Gori More (GO-ree MO-reh) is a Serbian-American dance apparently created by ... Gras Kalo Kolo (Serbia/Rom) 155 views Roma,Serbia Gras Kalo (GRAHSS-kah-loh) means Black Horse. This Rom style dance was ... Gugutkino Oro (Macedonia) 674 views Macedonia Gugutkino Oro, both dance and song, is from the northern part of Macedonia. ... Hai Ne Ne Ne (Russian Roma) 378 views Roma,Russia Dance choreographed and taught by Roberto Bagnoli. Dance notes... Imate Li Vino (Macedonia) 684 views Macedonia Imate Li Vino (EE-mah-teh lee VEE-noh) is a popular song from the Strumica ... Indijski Cocek (Rom/Macedonia) 945 views Macedonia,Roma Indijski Čoček (IN0dee-skee CHOH-check), meaning East Indian Čoček, is a ... Ivanice (Macedonia) 664 views Macedonia Lovely one-pattern Macedonian dance in SQQ rhythm. First presented in the ... Kalajdžisko (Macedonia) 668 views Macedonia Kalajdžisko dance comes from the town of Titoveles in the Titoveles region. ... Krivatvorena (Serbia) 398 views Serbia Originally taught in the US by Lee Otterholt, who learned it from Ben ... Mahala Mori Shej (Hungary, Roma) 173 views Hungary,Roma Presented by Stephen and Susan Kotansky. Dance notes... Makazice | Bela Rada (Serbia) 141 views Serbia Makazice and Bela Rada are two Serbian dances introduced by Dick Crum at ... Marino Oro (Macedonia) 261 views Macedonia Marino Oro was originally taught by Atanas Kolarovski. The dance is from ... Mori Shej (Hungary, Roma) 1,182 views Hungary,Roma Mori Shej (MOH-ree SHAY), my daughter, is a lullaby for a little Rom girl, ... Oj Ti Momče Ohrigjanče (Macedonia) 106 views Macedonia Oj Ti Momče Ohrigjanče (OY tee MOHM-cheh OH-ree-DJAHN-cheh) translates to ... Opa Cupa (Rom/Serbia) 1,285 views Serbia Choreographed by Andy Bettis, taught by Steve Kotansky Music made famous by ... Oro Vlaška (Serbia) 355 views Serbia Choreographed by Lee Otterholt, based on traditional steps he learned while ... Ovčepolsko Oro (Macedonia) 100 views Macedonia Ovčepolsko (ohv-cheh-POHL-skoh), or Ovčepolsko Oro, is a dance form of the ... Prekid Kolo (Serbia) 566 views Serbia The word "prekid" (preh-keed) means "pause." This dance was introduced b ... Ratevka (Macedonia) 276 views Macedonia Originally taught by Pece Atanasovski, Dick Crum (and others) Dance notes... Retko Kolo or Krnjevacko Kolo (Serbia) 597 views Serbia Taught by Bata Marčetić at the 2021 Texa-Kolo Festival and the 2014 Lyrids ... Rokoko Kolo (Croatia – Serbia) 1,030 views Croatia,Serbia This is a dance by Croatians who lived in Vojvoda in Serbia. The dance was ... Rumelaj (Macedonia) 1,889 views Macedonia Originally taught by Pece Atnovski and Atanas Koloravski as Jeni Jol Danced ... Savila Se Bela Loza (Serbia) 201 views Serbia Savila Se Bela Loza (SAH-vee-lah Seh-BEH-lah-LOH-zah) is translated to mean ... Sestorka (Serbia) 1,008 views Serbia Introduced by Dick Crum From East Serbia “Dance in Six" Setnja (Serbia) 990 views Serbia 2-part Serbian dance from Sumadija; "promenade/ walking / stroll”. Beloved ... Shantel (Romania, Rom) 1,029 views Roma,Romania Shantel (shann-TEHL) is named after Shantel, the stage name for Stefan ... Širto (Macedonia) 514 views Macedonia This dance, which is essentially identical to the Greek dance Syrtos. Is ... Strumička Petorka (Macedonia) 321 views Macedonia Strumička Petorka (STROO-meech-kah PEH-tor-kah) is a choreography of ... Svatba (Bulgaria, Macedonia) 1,163 views Bulgaria,Macedonia Svatba (SVAHT-bah) means "wedding." The source for this dance is Belcho ... Tankosava (Serbia) 244 views Serbia Tankosava is a Serbian dance similar to Šetnja with additions, done to nice ... Tapan Cuka (Macedonia) 354 views Macedonia Presented at Stockton Folk Dance Camp 2018, Tapan Cuka (TAH-pahn CHOO-kah) ... Tino Mori (Macedonia) 1,038 views Macedonia Macedonian dance in 7/8 rhythm, introduced by Atanas Koloravski "Tino" is a ... U Kruševo Ogin Gori (Macedonia) 139 views Macedonia U Kruševo Ogin Gori (In Krusevo a fire burns) was introduced by Dennis ... Vlaško Za Pojas (Serbia) 370 views Serbia Originally taught by Ciga Despotovic, but recently retaught widely by Lee ... Vodarki Oro (Macedonia) 604 views Macedonia This is a Medley of dances from Ovčepol that were put together by Atanas ... Vranjanka (Sano Duso) (Serbia) 564 views Serbia Vranjanka was learned in Yugoslavia by Richard Crum who introduced it at ... Vrni Se Vrni (Macedonia) 154 views Macedonia Vrni Se Vrni (Ver-nee See Ver-nee) is translated as "Come back, come back". ... Zaplanjski Čačak (Serbia) 110 views Serbia This is a member of the large cacak family which comes from the small ... Žensko Svatbarsko Oro (Macedonia, Bulgaria) 121 views Bulgaria,Macedonia A women's dance from the region of Goce Delcevv (Nevrokop) done at weddings ...