Bicak (Bulgaria)This entry was posted in Bulgaria on May 22, 2020 by folkdance Popular dance from Pirin (SW Bulgaria) Taught by Yves Moreau who learned it from Ilija Vretenarov in 1975 14/16 rhythm (QQQS QS). Dance notes… Bulgaria 685 views You may also like Abdala (Bulgaria) 1,432 views Bulgaria Abdala (AHB-dah-lah), sometimes known as Vlasko Dajcovo, was learned by ... Alunelu (Bulgaria) 131 views Bulgaria Alunelu (ah-loo-NEH-loo) was originally introduced by Daniela Ivanova. This ... Bačvanka (Bulgaria) 656 views Bulgaria Bâčvanka is arranged from traditional steps by Jaap Leegwater. This is a ... Belčova Tropanka (Bulgaria) 593 views Bulgaria One of the many variations on the dance Tropanka, widespread throughout ... Blagoevgradsko Horo (Bulgaria) 556 views Bulgaria The name of the music and dance means simply “(round) dance from ... Brestaška Rŭčenica (Bulgaria) 155 views Bulgaria Brestaška Rŭčenica (breh-STAHSH-kah ruh-cheh-NEE-tsah) is a dance of the ... Bučimiš (Bulgaria) 211 views Bulgaria Bučimiš was learned by Dennis Boxell in Bulgaria and presented by him at ... Celebinsko Horo (Bulgaria) 291 views Bulgaria Celebinsko Horo, Bulgarian folk dance from Trakia region, Bulgaria. ... Cicovata (Bulgaria) 721 views Bulgaria From the Vidin area, Northwest Bulgaria Taught by Steve Kotansky based on ... Cigansko Horo (Bulgaria) 2,514 views Bulgaria There are many dances called Cigansko. This one is a variant of the dance ... Daichovo Horo (Bulgaria) 1,032 views Bulgaria “Dajco’s dance” Originally from North Bulgaria; danced throughout the ... 02:35 Denjovo Horo (Bulgaria) 130 views Bulgaria Originally taught in the US by Yves Moreau who learned it from Stefan ... Devetorka (Balkan) 1,422 views Bulgaria,Macedonia,Serbia Commonly danced throughout Macedonia, Serbia, and Bulgaria In 9/8 rhythm (QQQS) Devojko Mari Hubava (Bulgaria) 201 views Bulgaria Devojko Mâri Hubava (DEH-voigh-koh MUHR-ee OO-bah-vah), taught by Yves ... Dimitrija (Bulgaria) 36 views Bulgaria Dimitrija (dee-mee-TREE-yah), from Sandanski, was learned in Petrich near ... Dobrudjanska Pandela (Bulgaria) 598 views Bulgaria Dobrudjanska Pandela is a dance from Dobrudja, northeastern Bulgaria, ... Dobrudžanska Râka (Bulgaria) 221 views Bulgaria Introduced to North America by Camille Brochu, who learned it from the ... Dobrudzanski Buenek (Bulgaria) 577 views Bulgaria Taught by Yves Moreau Dospatsko Horo (Bulgaria) 967 views Bulgaria Dospatsko Horo (doha-Paht-skoh hoh-ROH) was learned by Yves Moreau in ... Draganinata (Bulgaria) 351 views Bulgaria Draganinata, circle dance from Trakia region, Bulgaria. Presented by the ... Dramskoto (Bulgaria) 460 views Bulgaria An urban dance from the early 20th century done to a well-known song, Dujni ... Drjanovska Ruchenitsa 1 (Bulgaria) 151 views Bulgaria Introduced to the US by Yves Moreau in the late 1990s. Known as "Drjanovska ... Dzangurica (Bulgaria) 677 views Bulgaria Introduced by Yves Moreau 1972 From the village of Dzangura in the Pirin ... Elerinka (Bulgaria) 788 views Bulgaria Elerinka(eh-lehr-EEN-kah) is a women's dance from the Pirin Mountains in ... Godečki Čačak (Serbia/Bulgaria) 17 views Bulgaria,Serbia Godečki Čačak, a line dance from the Serbian-Bulgarian border area, was ... Haskovsko (Bulgaria) 228 views Bulgaria Haskovsko (hahs-KOHV-skoh) (Indze Prez Gora Varvese) The name translates as ... Idam ne Idam (Bulgaria) 1,235 views Bulgaria Idam, ne Idam (EE-dahm, neh EE-dahrn) was choreographed by Yves Moreau ... Išu Byala Nedo (Bulgaria) 10 views Bulgaria Išu Byala Nedo (EE-shu BYAH-lah NEH-doh) includes the vocal: "Hey, you girl ... Ja Dojdi Libe or Jamušak (Bulgaria) 77 views Bulgaria Originally taught by Iliana Bozhanova at a Sept 2019 workshop in Tucson. ... Karamfil (Bulgaria) 1,555 views Bulgaria "Carnation" -- name of rebel warrior and leader (Haiduk) mentioned in the ... Katerino Mome (Bulgaria) 580 views Bulgaria From Pirin, Bulgaria "Katerina, why are you so beautiful and pretty? ... Kazundzha (Bulgaria) 56 views Bulgaria Kazundzha (kah-zuhn-DZHAH) is derived from the Turkish word “kazan,” ... Kirčo Na Čardak Sedeše (Bulgaria) 384 views Bulgaria Originally taught and arranged by Jaap Leegwater. The title translates as ... Kitko Zelena – Pravo Rodopsko Horo (Bulgaria) 525 views Bulgaria This version is taught by Jaap Leegwater and Bianca De Jong to the music ... Kloca (Bulgaria) 422 views Bulgaria This dance is from the village of Kosovo in the Vidin region of northern ... Koga me Mama Rodila (Bulgaria) 562 views Bulgaria Koga Me Mama Rodila (koh-GAH meh MAH-mah roh-DEE-lah) is a basic Pravo ... Koljovo Horo (Bulgaria) 109 views Bulgaria A Tropanka variation from the villages west of Varna in Dobrudža taught by ... Kostadino Mili Sino 202 views Bulgaria Originally taught by Jaap Leegwater. The dance is a medley of two dances ... Krajdunavsko Horo (Bulgaria) 351 views Bulgaria Krajdunaysko Horo (krigh-DOO-nahv-skoh hoh-ROH), meaning Dance from the ... Krivo Ihtimansko Horo (Bulgaria) 583 views Bulgaria A type of "Krivo" (mixed rhythm) dance from the region of Ihtiman in West ... Kulska Šira (Bulgaria) 83 views Bulgaria Kulska Šira (KOOL-skah shee-RAH) was learned by Yves Moreau in 1974. This ... Kune (Bulgaria) 157 views Bulgaria Choreographed and taught by Iliana Bozhanova, also taught by Lee Otterholt. ... Kyustendilska Racenica (Bulgaria) 857 views Bulgaria Basic Bulgarian line dance in QQS (7/8) rhythm This version of racenica is ... Liljano Mome (Bulgaria) 176 views Bulgaria A variation of the popular Širto type of dance common throughout the ... Lubili Se Dvama Mladi (Bulgaria) 707 views Bulgaria "Two young people in love" is a Bulgarian tune best known as "Le retour des ... Mari Mariko (Bulgaria) 694 views Bulgaria Introduced by Jaap Leegwater From Thrace “Dear Maria" Dance notes... Momčilovsko Horo (Bulgaria) 87 views Bulgaria Taught by Anna Angelova at the 2022 World Camp. Also taught by Anton ... Momino Horo (Bulgaria) 510 views Bulgaria Momino Horo (moh-MEE-noh hoh-ROH) is an arrangement by Yves Moreau based on ... Myatalo Lenche (Bulgaria) 527 views Bulgaria The song (MYAH-tah-loh LEHN-cheh) tells of young Lenche, who is determined ... Oj Dimitro Le (Bulgaria) 236 views Bulgaria Oj Dimitro Le (oy dee-MEE-troh leh) is from Northwest Bulgaria that Yves ... Paidushko (Bulgaria) 846 views Bulgaria Basic Bulgarian dance; 10-count phrase, 3/8 rhythm, swinging arms. Paidusko ... Pazardžijska Kopanica (Bulgaria) 391 views Bulgaria Pazardžijska Kopanica - Bulgaria "Kopanica line dance" from the region of ... Pomaško Širto (Bulgaria) 64 views Bulgaria The dance is related to the Greek Syrtos. Pomaško means in the style of the ... Pravo Čepelarsko Horo (Bulgaria) 105 views Bulgaria A variation on the basic Pravo Rodopsko Horo from the region around the ... Razvivaj Dobro (Bulgaria) 70 views Bulgaria Razvivaj Dobro freely translates into "may life unfold well" and can be ... Sabrali Sa Se, Sabrali (Bulgaria) 193 views Bulgaria Dance from the Western Rhodopes where there are strong concentrations of ... Sadi Moma (Bulgaria) 571 views Bulgaria Two part Bulgarian dance, in SQQ rhythm From southwestern Bulgaria, Pirin ... Sadil Be Stajko (Bulgaria) 118 views Bulgaria This basic and popular Rodopsko Horo is traditionally performed to the ... 04:03 Samodiva (Bulgaria) 304 views Bulgaria Taught by Lee Otterholt, originally taught (choreographed?) by Ventzi ... Sandansko Horo (Bulgaria) 1,086 views Bulgaria Introduced by Yves Moreau in 1969 Alternating bars of 9/16 (QQQS) and 13/16 ... Sej Sej Bob (Bulgaria) 75 views Bulgaria Sej Sej Bob (say say bahp), which refers to planting beans, is a type of ... Sej Sej Bop (Bulgaria) 55 views Bulgaria Sej Sej Bob (say say bahp), which refers to planting beans, is a type of ... Sitna Baluca (Bulgaria) 217 views Bulgaria Sitna Baluca (SEET-nah bah-LOO-tsah) or "a little meddling" acknowledges ... Sitno Severnjaško Horo (Bulgaria) 459 views Bulgaria Originally taught in the US by Jaap Leegwater, who learned it form Jordan ... Smiljana (Bulgaria) 108 views Bulgaria Smilyana (smihl-YAH-nah) was choreographed by Daniela Ivanova. She used the ... Snošti Minah, Kate (Bulgaria) 76 views Bulgaria This is a version of the traditional dance Širto choreographed by Iliana ... Stamena (Bulgaria) 145 views Bulgaria This belongs to the category of modern, choreographed folk dances such as ... Stâpil Dobri (Bulgaria) 179 views Bulgaria Originally taught by Jaap Leegwater, who learned it from Ivan Gavrilov. The ... Svatba (Bulgaria, Macedonia) 1,163 views Bulgaria,Macedonia Svatba (SVAHT-bah) means "wedding." The source for this dance is Belcho ... Svornato (Bulgaria) 176 views Bulgaria Taught by Iliana Bozhanova at the 2021 Stockton Folk Dance Camp. She ... Takanata (Bulgaria) 744 views Bulgaria Tâkanata (TUH-kah-nah-tah), observed at the August 1971 Koprivsvtica ... Triti Pati (Bulgaria) 401 views Bulgaria Originally taught by Dick Crum, also taught by Denis Boxell. Dance notes... Vaklaj Vaklaj (Bulgaria) 53 views Bulgaria Originally taught in the USA by Jaap Leegwater. Dance notes... Vidinsko Horo (Bulgaria) 484 views Bulgaria Vidinsko horo (VEE-deen-skoh hoh-ROH), is an arrangement of traditional ... Vlaško (Bulgaria) 756 views Bulgaria Vlaško (VLAIASH-koh) is a Vlach dance from N. Bulgaria. It was learned by ... Vrapčeto (Bulgaria) 176 views Bulgaria Vrapcheto (VRAHP-cheh-toh), a line dance from the repertoire of the Pioneer ... Zensko Kapansko Horo (Bulgaria) 732 views Bulgaria Zensko Kapansko Horo (ZHEHN-skoh KAH-pahn-skoh Hoh-ROH) A dance from ... Žensko Svatbarsko Oro (Macedonia, Bulgaria) 121 views Bulgaria,Macedonia A women's dance from the region of Goce Delcevv (Nevrokop) done at weddings ...