Ordog Utja (Hungary)This entry was posted in Hungary on May 6, 2020 by folkdance Two-part dance similar to Romanian Alunelul Dance/music by the Csango people originally from Hungary, currently in Moldova; music starts slow, gets fast, slow, fast, slow. Hungary 631 views You may also like E Shukar Romnji (Roma, Hungary) 464 views Hungary,Roma E Shukar Romnji (A Beautiful Woman), a Roma (Gypsy) dance taught by Lee ... Körtánc (Hungary) 162 views Hungary The music of Körtánc (KOOR-tants) is from Nyitra County, now politically ... Mahala Mori Shej (Hungary, Roma) 210 views Hungary,Roma Presented by Stephen and Susan Kotansky. Dance notes... Mori Shej (Hungary, Roma) 1,252 views Hungary,Roma Mori Shej (MOH-ree SHAY), my daughter, is a lullaby for a little Rom girl, ... Somogyi Karikazo (Hungary) 538 views Hungary Somogyi Karikazo is a girls' dance from Somogy district, southern Hungary. ...