Horon – Alta Es La Luna (Ladino, Sephardic Jewish Greece)This entry was posted in Greece on June 27, 2023 by folkdance Introduced by Steve Kotansky, this dance is based on steps done in Kastoria Greece by the Sephardic Jewish residents. Presented by Steve Kotansky at Stockton Folk Dance Camp 2006. The song is sung in Ladino by Savina Yannatou. Dance notes… Alternate Videos Greece 94 views You may also like Apáno Stin Triandafillá (Greece) 410 views Greece Taught by Joe Graziosi at Texa-Kolo 2020. This is a tune-specific dance ... Athela Mou (Greece, Roma) 858 views Greece,Roma Maurits van Geel choreographed the dance based on traditional steps for a ... Chikulata Chikita (Greece, Roma) 891 views Greece,Roma Choreographed and arranged by Susan Kotansky Music by Giorgo Zanthiotis Etere (Greece) 253 views Greece Pontic Greek dance taught by Kyriakos Moisidis at a 2021 virtual EEFC ... Lerikos (Greece) 692 views Greece Music by Greek singer Rena Dalia “Fun is what we need in our lives" Mavromata (Greek-German) 210 views Greece Mavromata (mahv-roh-MAH-tah), meaning "dark-eyed girl," was learned by Dick ... Mia Kori (Greece) 433 views Greece Mia Kori (Thracian Greece) Mia Kori (Mia Kori mia Diavatissa) is a simple ... Paraliakos (Greece) 197 views Greece Paraliakos (pah-rah-lee-ah-KOHSS) was learned by Lee Otterholt from ... Primavera en Salonico (Greece/Sephardic) 474 views Greece Choreographed and taught by Steve Kotansky Based on a Greek Zebeikikos ... Syrtos Samothrakis (Greece) 1,586 views Greece Sytos Samothrakis (seer-TOHS sah-moh-THRAH-kees), meaning Syrtos from ... Taï Taï (Greece) 96 views Greece Taï Taï (TAHY TAHY) of Thessaly, Greece is a specific a cappella song/dance ... Tessera Matia Dhio Kardhies (Greece) 118 views Greece A song/dance from the Asia Minor town of Artaki (now Erdek) on the Sea of ... Tik (Greece) 2,255 views Greece Pontic dance; can be done in 7/8, 5/8 or 9/16 rhythm To Milo (Greece) 734 views Greece Introduced by Tineke van Geel Music by Giorgos Dalaras “The Apple" Dance notes... Trava Trava (Greece) 90 views Greece Trava Trava (TRAH-vah TRAH-vah) (move on or travel on) was presented by ... Tsotso – Aloniotikos (Greece) 164 views Greece This dance originates in the village of Alona (formerly Armensko) in the ... Zoi (Netherlands, Greece) 139 views Greece,Netherlands Choreographed and taught by Tineke and Maurits Van Geel. The title ... Zonradikos (Greece) 373 views Greece Basic dance from Greek Thrace, similar to a Bulgarian Pravo