Events generally in Northern California
April 4 – 9, 2024 in Bruceville, Texas
The upcoming conference will have everything you’ve come to expect from NFO – a broad array of fascinating workshops, presentations, arts, crafts, music, and dance; our annual membership meeting and elections; and a wonderful opportunity to network.
This year we will also have a special bonus, a total solar eclipse! Take advantage of this rare celestial event; the next total solar eclipses visible in the US won’t occur until 2044 or 2045.
Conference registration includes lodging for 5 nights, meals, and all NFO Conference activities. Fees range from $500 to $650 per person for the entire Conference, depending on your room assignment. The rooms at Greene Family Camp are described in detail below. For those living close by or who manage to find other nearby lodgings, there is a less expensive commuter rate; but be warned that due to the eclipse, many hotels are already booked and room rates are high!
For those who live nearby or have lined up their own accommodations and transportation in the area, we are offering a Commuter rate which covers meals and NFO Conference activities (not lodging): $325.
Greene Family Camp, 1192 Smith Lane, Bruceville, Texas (same as TIFD’s Texas Camp location) is located in the eclipse’s longest zone of totality and has the best chance of good weather in the US (of course, eclipse viewing can not be guaranteed). GFC is basic but comfortable, with climate controlled lodging and event venues spread out over their 150 acre campus. All meals and NFO dance parties will be in the Chadar Ochel Dining Hall. Other events may take place in the Goldberg Performing Arts Center and at the lakeside Pavilion. For more information about lodging see the registration section below or the camp’s web page.
Plan your flights to the Austin (preferred) or Dallas airports. There is no public transportation from either airport to the Camp, and due to the eclipse, rental cars will be increasingly more expensive and hard to find. So if you plan to rent a car, you may want to do that now!When planning your transportation, note that the Conference runs from Thursday to Tuesday. The total solar eclipse occurs on Monday April 8, roughly 12 – 3 pm, and because of expected traffic and airline schedules, you will not be able to view the eclipse and get to the airport to catch a flight out later that day. Stick around at camp to join the post-eclipse fun, including various activities and a final Monday night dance party!
For ongoing updates in programming, schedule, and registration visit the NFO 2024 Conference Web Page.
Federation members can add or update their upcoming dance events to the calendar by sending event details to