Events generally in Northern California
Eszterlánc invites you to join us at our táncház on January 20th, 2024. This is our regular start-of-the-year dance house, with László Orbán on violin, Miklós Lajos “Lecsó” on brácsa, and János Erdei on bőgő.
Our KCSP scholar, Ilka Dajka will lead the dance teaching circles. She will be helped by a male dance teacher visiting us from Hungary. Food and pastries, drinks (beer, wine, and soda) will be available for purchase.
All levels of experience welcome, no partner needed. Doors open at 4pm.
Time | Event |
4:00pm | Kid’s Dance |
5:00pm | Adult Dance Teaching |
6:00pm | Táncház |
10:00pm | Singing |
Adults $20
Youth 5-17 $5
Families (2 adults + 2 youth) $40
The event closes with open dance.
Federation members can add or update their upcoming dance events to the calendar by sending event details to