International Folk Dance with Rebecca Tsai

International Folk Dance with Rebecca Tsai

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Repeats: Weekly
Meets: Tuesday 11:00AM-1:00PM (English & Mandarin), Thursday 11:00AM-1:00PM (Mandarin & English)

International Folk Dance with Rebecca Tsai
Welcome all to our International folk dance class! Celebrate the cultural roots and traditional life of various countries. The instructor will also introduce line, circle and other dancing formations. Aside from appreciating other dance of other cultures, you will improve your balance, reduce stress, and enhance your social life! Dancing helps improve cognitive health and delay Alzheimer’s disease. In Large Activity Room.

• Tuesday 11:00AM-1:00PM (English & Mandarin) and Thursday 11:00AM-1:00PM (Mandarin & English)
• Fee: $3.50 per class for members
• Instructor: Rebecca Tsai has over 20 years of experience in teaching dance

47111 Mission Falls Ct., Fremont, California, USA 94539

Age Well Center at South Fremont, Large Activity Room

Contact Information
Contact: Martha Torrez
Phone: 510-742-7540

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